In response to a request for aid from
Volunteer Florida and the
Florida Emergency Management Agency, the
West Virginia Division of Homeland Security and Emergency Management (DHSEM) secured personnel through Volunteer West Virginia to aid in Hurricane Michael recovery efforts. The request, made through the
Emergency Management Assistance Compact (EMAC), asked for personnel with experience in Volunteer and Donations management and AmeriCorps.
Dorothy Horne and Jessi Gardner, two staff of the
Twin Branch AmeriCorps program in McDowell County were deployed. Both supported disaster recovery efforts in West Virginia after the 2016 floods in Greenbrier County. Staff have received training in Spontaneous Volunteer Management, Shelter Operations, Damage Assessment and participate in the West Virginia Disaster Corps program, an in-state resource for trained volunteer assistance during disasters of all kinds.
The EMAC is an all hazards, all disciplines mutual aid compact that serves as the foundation to the nation’s mutual aid system. As West Virginia’s EMAC Resource Provider, DHSEM identified personnel with the skills, knowledge and abilities to be deployed and conduct the mission as requested.
On October 26, 2018, DHSEM received Mission Order Authorization (MOA) to deploy the selected personnel, who will work with Volunteer Florida’s emergency operations centers in Bay County, Florida. The personnel arrived in Florida on October 28 and will assist and supplement field staff in the coordination of volunteers and donations. The mission is scheduled to run through November 11, 2018.
Lora D. Lipscomb, lora.d.lipscomb@wv.gov