Last Call: Generation West Virginia Is Seeking Leaders Like You For Impact Fellowship!
Are you someone who loves finding creative solutions to complex challenges? Do you love the idea of having a seat at the table in a state that is reimagining its future? Are you looking for an opportunity to explore West Virginia’s beautiful and adventurous mountains?
Impact Fellowship invites passionate and innovative leaders to work, live and give in West Virginia through yearlong, paid fellowships at some of the Mountain State’s most innovative companies. During the course of the year, Impact Fellows work 32 hours a week at one of our participating
Host Companies and spend each Friday dedicating their passion and skills to projects in partnership with local nonprofits.
Eleven innovative companies from across West Virginia are partnering with Generation West Virginia to offer 17 professional fellowship positions across a wide range of sectors including architecture, finance, technology, business, graphic design, chemistry, community development, cybersecurity, healthcare, engineering, education, agriculture, and communications. Fellows are employed at a minimum salary of $31,000 and receive full benefits in accordance with the employer’s offerings for similar positions. We are now accepting submissions from interested applicants from a range of skillsets to fill these roles.
View the detailed job descriptions here.
Applicant requirements
•Associate's or Bachelor's Degree from an accredited two- or four-year college or university by September 1, 2018
•U.S. citizen or eligible to work in the United States
•Skills in one or more of the following: Architecture and technical design, Banking and finance, Business operations and management, Chemistry, Communications and marketing, Community and economic development, Cybersecurity, Education, Engineering, Food and agriculture, Graphic arts and design, Human resources, IT/Computer Science, Research and analysis
•Passionate, hard-working and innovative!
How to apply
The brief Phase 1 application is due
March 18, 2018 and takes less than 15 minutes to complete. This part of the application consists of basic applicant information, a 60-word pitch on why you want to be an Impact Fellow, and your ranked preferences of Impact Fellowship
positions available here.
Next steps
Phase 2 of the application, due April 1, 2018, consists of a short essay question and the submission of a creative, one-minute video about who you are and what you are passionate about. We will contact applicants selected as Finalists to continue on to Phase 3 Interviews in April 2018 and will make final selections for the 2018 Impact Fellowship class in June 2018.
About Generation West Virginia
Generation West Virginia (GWV) is the statewide organization dedicated to attracting, retaining, and advancing young talent in the Mountain State. We are working toward a vision of West Virginia where challenges are seen as opportunities, young people are drivers in our state’s future, and the Mountain State is a destination for young talent to live, work, and thrive.
Learn more.