West Virginia is a special place to live and work.
Each day, I am thankful for the opportunity to serve in this role, alongside each of you. And I don’t take it or you for granted.
In 2018 Volunteer West Virginia launched a year of kindness. The BeKind initiative reminded families that kindness is in West Virginia’s DNA and that volunteering can be as simple as clearing a neighbor’s sidewalk after a snow storm or supporting a local school sports team. Our AmeriCorps and Volunteer Initiatives wouldn’t be successful without YOUR kindness. Thank you.
You have not only answered the call to serve yourselves, but also supported service in your families, neighborhoods, churches, businesses and in broader collaborations across the state. Because of you, and many others like you, our community members feel empowered to solve problems together, grantees have support and resources, disaster volunteer teams have training and equipment, and organizations are building strong, sustainable practices to expand delivery of critical community services.
As a result of our work together, more people are getting involved! Last year 411,000 West Virginians volunteered. That’s about 15% more than in 2015.
Thank you for your continued contribution to the Mountain State. West Virginia is lucky to have you working for her.
Wishing you comfort and joy this holiday season and throughout 2019.

Heather Foster
Executive Director
P.S. Look for our full 2018 Annual Report, coming soon to your mailbox– or join us during National Service Day at the Capitol (2nd floor rotunda) and pick up a copy in-person on January 15 from 8:30 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.