Volunteer WV
Volunteer WV

Giveaway Winner Announcement


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Thank you to everyone who shared a volunteer opportunity on our new website! Organizations that posted by December 31st were entered in our Volunteer Pro Membership Giveaway. Over 230 volunteer opportunities have been posted!

We have randomly selected three participants to receive a one year membership valued at $597!

And The Winners Are. . . .

1) American Red Cross Central Appalachia Region, Katie Thompson
2) Historic Shepherdstown Commission & Museum, Teresa McLaughlin
3) Voices Against Domestic Violence, Patricia Greenley ​

Congratulations! We will be in touch with more details. Even if you aren't a winner we hope 2023 brings you a wave of new volunteers.

Thank you for helping to promote volunteerism across West Virginia!

Contact Information

Dana Bryant, Dana.A.Bryant@wv.gov