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Apply to Receive an AmeriCorps NCCC Team This Fall


AmeriCorps NCCC is Now Accepting Concept Forms for Fall 2018

What's on your organization's To-Do List in 2018? - How about some help! 

The Southern Region Campus of AmeriCorps NCCC is currently inviting potential project sponsors in West Virginia to apply for an NCCC team. The Southern Region Campus assigns teams to service projects lasting 3-8 weeks, to help communities meet their most compelling needs, and to develop the knowledge and leadership of our AmeriCorps members. Click here to learn more. 

  • If your organization is interested in hosting an NCCC team during August 21st - October 15th, please submit a Project Concept Form by July 5th. Click here for additional instructions and contact Stephanie Chan with any additional questions, (601) 630-4066. 

  • Can't make the July 5th deadline? - No problem! If you are interested in hosting an AmeriCorps NCCC later in 2018-2019, please click here for additional dates / deadlines, and contact Stephanie Chan with any additional questions.  

Contact Information

Stephanie Chan, SChan@cns.gov