West Virginia’s Promise-The Alliance for Youth, is currently providing applications to nonprofits, schools, and state agencies to gain Summer Associate VISTAS for programs that serve youth.
Summer Associates VISTAS (SA) can perform direct service, such as serving as mentors and camp counselors. The summer program is a prime opportunity to introduce individuals, particularly college-age students, to national service with the hope it will lead to their participation in full-time programs later on.
The Summer Associate program offers individuals the opportunity to participate for either 8, 9 or 10 weeks. Members serve a minimum of 35 hours per week. Please remember: Summer Associate VISTAs are resources provided to serve directly with children & youth, not to perform office duties. You will be required to advertise, interview, and recommend the candidate of your choice.
To support VISTA Project an Administration Fee of $1,000 per SA VISTA resource will be expected to be paid by each site.
If You Are Interested
Please complete the following questions and email your responses to Pam Dugan, pdugan@frontiernet.net by Friday, February 8, 2019:
1) Name of your Site Organization & VISTA Site Supervisor:
2) Select one or more Focus Areas:
- Programming to prevent summer learning loss for children and youth; Educational, STEM, Reading, Arts, Healthy Futures, Gardening, etc.
- Programming to combat hunger and food insecurity, Summer Feeding Sites; to add or support meal sites that serve both youth and elders, including USDA Summer Food Service Programs and senior meal programs. SA’s cannot serve as cooks or prepare meals.
- Programming to expand the reach of opioid prevention projects, particularly with youth.
3) Select the number of weeks & projected member request:
- 8 weeks = # of members
- 9 weeks = # of members
- 10 weeks = # of members
4) How many children and youth do you predict to serve?
Questions? Contact Pam Dugan pdugan@frontiernet.net, 1-304-661-1460.